Make WP_CLI Work For You: Extending WP_CLI With Custom Commands

Chris Wiegman is a speaker at WordCamp Chicago this talking about Make WP_CLI Work For You: Extending WP_CLI With Custom Commands. Get to know him below!


Chris is a Senior Web Engineer at 10up working on solving business problems with WordPress.

WordCamp Mini-Interview

1.) I was working for the aviation department at SIU and needed a system to provide sites to faculty, student groups and others and WordPress was the perfect choice. After using it there for a while I realized it was the bet platform to develop plugins for and the rest was history.

2.) I love teaching but I don’t get to do much of it lately. WordCamps are one of the few outlets I have to share what I’ve learned with the community. As for WordCamp Chicago, as a native Chicagoan I’ve been wanting to speak at this camp for years and am honored to finally have the opportunity to do so.

3.) Three reasons. First, the community. Having such a large and diverse community gives developers and users alike more opportunities than many technologies out there. Second, the commitment towards backwards compatibility has allowed a huge add-on market in plugins and themes to form giving users even more opportunity to do what they need to do. Finally, the low barrier of entry combines with the flexibility and power of the apis make it a great platform for rookies and veterans alike.